Monday, August 2, 2010

Fitness Post

A friend of mine pointed out to me once that as single people, we tend to have a decent amount of time to spend to ourselves during the course of 24 hours. He postulated that in a 24-hour day, at least during the work week, you work about 8 hours, maybe a 2-hour happy hour, then you're on your own for 14 hours (more like 7 depending on how much beauty sleep you need). So one thing I have found to occupy this time is working out. I shall dedicate this post to my ideas on fitness. By no means do I claim that I am the first or last person to put these ideas out there. I also do not mean to claim that single people are the only people in the world who work out. So take this with a grain of salt, maybe you'll find an idea that works for you.

My journey with working out began when I was 17, a senior in high school. I never played any sports (not for lack of trying mind you), but up until this point I never had to worry about exercising. My metabolism took care of it. Then one day my clothes started getting REALLY tight...I stepped on the scale and immediately started screaming. Not that I was overweight, but I knew I had to get myself into shape. So I began doing exercise videos (Denise Austin is a goddess), running a bit, just trying to be more active. As I got more and more into working out I realized that so many people tell you what WILL most definitely work for you and what you MUST do to get any results at all. I also realized that nine times out of ten these did not work for me. So I have come up with my own fitness tips that i find a little more universal. Take them or leave them for sure, every body is different.

-Find a Work-Out or Fitness Regimen You Like
--I used to kill myself running all the time because I thought that is what people did to get in shape. While it does work for most, I found that because I hated it so much the results came much more slowly. I will admit to losing weight and toning up due to running, but the way it happened most was when I found a really beautiful place to run. Treadmills are my doom...for some people they work wonders. For me scenery and a kick-butt work-out mix on my iPod make it a little more possible to enjoy the time. Once I found a way to run that I actually enjoyed, I was more apt to do it and to get results. I also discovered the wonder that is Pilates. I LOVE Pilates. I usually go once or twice a week at the gym where I belong. Great core work-out, good for strength and flexibility. Again, I have to believe it works so well for my body because I love doing it so much.

-Don't Be Afraid to Take a Break
--Another thing you hear a lot in the fitness realm is "No pain, no gain," or my personal favorite "Pain is weakness leaving the body." No, no, no, no. If you are feeling burn or tired or like if you do one more squat your legs will turn into jelly that's just exertion. If you feel legitimate pain you are probably doing damage to a part of your body. The thing is, no matter how much you work out there is always room to improve and build. If you push yourself too hard you will a) be too sore to work out the next day, b) do more harm than good to your body, and c) not feel as great about your work-out as you could have because you probably needed to stop early.

Pushing ourselves toward a goal is fantastic, but we must remember that our bodies are organic things that need rest. If you work out every day, more power to you. For me, this did not work because going to the gym became a stressful experience. I felt like "If I don't go the day is a waste." Not true. As you continue working out you will become more in tune with what your body is telling you. Some days you just need to skip the intense time at the gym. On those days, I usually go for a walk with a friend and enjoy some conversation. Still somewhat active but not bringing my body to the point of no return.

-What You Eat
--My body is crazy. My metabolism is crazy. Most diet regimens fail miserably for me. The best thing I have found to cope with how to eat healthy to supplement my work-out is called The Slow-Down Diet by Marc David. This guy changed my life. See how you like it. But to each their own in this realm because the way I eat boggles many minds. :)

--I used to HATE water. But as I have gone through my fitness journey I realize that it is completely indispensable during a work-out. Not only does it give me a little more energy to carry on, but the hydration keeps me from being quite as sore the next day. Don't get me wrong, it is certainly not a cure-all...I still have my days where I try to use my powers of telekinesis to get my cereal down from the top shelf of the cabinet. But hydrating myself definitely takes the edge off.

--I used to hate stretching, both before and after a work-out. Before I work out I just want to get going. After I'm like "I've been here forever I just want to go home." But I read this study (see below) that actually said that people who add stretching to their fitness routine build more lean muscle more quickly than those who do not. A really good analogy I read once was that your muscles are like pasta noodles. If you don't cook pasta noodles, they are brittle and they can break, but if you cook them they are flexible, softer, and you can do more with them.

Moral of this paragraph: Even if it's annoying, spend 5 minutes at the end of your work-out to stretch your muscles. Some people say 30 seconds per side...that's a lot. Generally I devote 3-5 deep breaths per side per muscle group worked. Takes about 2-3 minutes and you're outta there.
(don't worry boys..just because it's from Women's Health Magazine doesn't mean it can't apply to you).

-Get a Sweet Music Mix
--I have known only a few people who can work out without music. To you, oh valiant few, I tip my hat. It is impossible for me to work out without music. Download 30-60 minutes worth of music to accompany your work-out. You won't regret it. My person mix ranges from Berlioz to Beyonce depending on the day.

-Be Positive and Thank Your Body During and After Your Work-Out
--I know this sounds a little cheesy, but I tell you it works. I spent so much time discouraging myself throughout my work-outs and not seeing the results. I would think "Move it along slow-poke, you're not strong enough, blah blah blah." Are you surprised my body basically said "Forget you!" So I re-vamped, and now as I go through my exercise routines I encourage myself and think positively toward my muscles. After my work-out and during my stretching I thank my body for all of its hard work, and wouldn't you know it...I swear I've never felt better or been in better shape in my life. It's all in your attitude.

So there are my few, but hopefully helpful fitness tips. Maybe they work for you, maybe they don't. Every BODY is different (hehe). Happy fitness and happy Tuesday!

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