After all the feedback from my first post about this, I have decided to add to it. Many people informed me of things that happen to them via text that could indeed be added to my list of etiquette and general observations on text messaging, so I give you Textual Etiquette Edition 2: On Haha's, Hehe's, Lol's, and Other Such Items.
Short disclaimer before I begin: I have been, understandably so, called out for reading too much into the realm of text messaging. Please be warned, I do not live my own text life by these standards all the time. These are just little things I notice and blog about, often when I am bored at work. It is by no means the be all end all of how and/or how not to text message. :)
(Oh no she used an emoticon at the end of that sentence..what could this mean?? And now a double question mark? Please see Edition One.)
On "Haha"
-Typically "haha" is used as a variation on "lol" (see below). It is generally used in response to something funny another party has said or as flavor in a sentence when describing something humorous. Examples:
--"Haha that's so funny!"
--"I can't believe that haha."
--"And then I spilled it everywhere haha."
If you read Edition One of this post topic, you will see my theories on multiple anything's in a text message, mostly in the realm of punctuation. This rule also applies to the variations of expressing laughter via text. If someone sends you "Haha," they probably smiled or chuckled. Whereas if you get a "HAHAHAHA," or "hahahaha," or, another variation "Bahahahaha," (this is a belly laugh in case you did not know) they probably are actually laughing. This means you can give yourself a pat on the back.
On "Lol"
-Probably one of the very first abbreviations I learned in my many forays into the realm of media communications. "Lol," short for laugh out loud, is used in much the same way as "haha." I find also, as with "haha," just one "lol" usually means someone cracked a smile or chuckled a bit. When someone sends "lolololol," they are probably actually laughing.
One of my favorite texts I ever received was in response to something I said, and the person said "I actually lol'ed at that." Proof positive that one "lol" does not convince me you are actually laughing (though I probably am because I crack myself up), not to mention the other variations on this particular abbreviation that communicate actual laughter such as "lmao," (laughing my --- off) or "rofl," (rolling on floor laughing).
I also find "lol" used to sort of soften a less positive text message. Examples:
--"Dude she's always"
--"That was so annoying lol."
In these cases, "lol" is used to say "I noticed these frustrating things, but I am not really that mad about it. But I noticed these frustrating things." Don't let this make you afraid to use the favored "lol." A little smile is always appreciated.
NOTE: I am currently working on coining the abbreviation HG for "hearty guffaw." I will keep you posted on how this goes.
On "Hehe"
-I typically find "hehe" used in a more devious context while texting. While "haha" and "lol" are used for general laughter, "hehe" is usually used after something scandalous is revealed. Examples:
--"So I put the rotten sandwich in his drawer hehehe"
--"Person A: Why is there water all over the floor?"
"Person B: Hehe."
This is not a set in stone rule for the usage of "hehe." But I have never found anyone to use "hehe," in any texts like the examples in the "haha" paragraph above.
On The Text Signature
-A text signature is when someone "signs" the end of their text, as in a letter. For instance:
--"Be there in 5 -Jennifer A."
--"Be there in 5 Love, Mom"
I generally find this to be unnecessary, though informative. If you are texting someone, chances are your number is in their phone and they know it is you. Besides, in these days of limited characters in a text (140 characters on my Blackberry can they possibly expect me to communicate!?), why waste the space by double telling someone that it's you? It is certainly nice for the first text if the person does not have your number, or you are unsure if they have it. There is nothing worse than texting someone and saying "Hey!" and then getting a cold "Who's this?" in response. But after the initial text, have confidence that person you are texting will save your number, or lose it strategically and you will never have to text them again. If you REALLY have the hankering to sign things, get the person's e-mail address and write them a letter. :)
On Response Time
-Ah yes. The most delicate issue of text messaging. Text messaging is one of those insidious means of communication that make you always available yet leave you responsibility-free of responding immediately. I have had numerous conversations about how quickly someone responds to a text. I have narrowed it down to three categories of response times in the realm of text messaging:
Usually someone with a Blackberry or iPhone and they have it permanently glued to their hand. This person receives your text and responds within microseconds. And are currently in treatment for arthritis in their thumbs...
--The Little Later-er
Someone who received your text but is driving, in class, or in the middle of something that prevents them from responding to you until a later time. It could be they are talking to all of their friends trying to figure out the best thing with which to respond to the initial text. Or, one of my personal favorites, they are trying not to seem to available and theoretically could play the Immediator, but are choosing to hold out on response time. They typically get back to people anywhere from 45 minutes-4 hours.
NOTE: Most people walk the line between the Immediator and the Little Later-er. I like to call these people Normal.
--The Takes-So-Long-To-Respond-You-Forgot-You-Even-Texted-Them-At-All-er
We ALL know this type. If they respond at all, it is probably 3 days later to a text you do not even remember sending. You cannot even play the part of the Little Later-er and respond to them because they took so darn long you forgot all about them. I talked to someone like this once. It was HILARIOUS. He was probably going for some Guinness World Record for longest response time to an irrelevant convo. Some people just are not avid texters, and that is totally fine. But maybe people this category should incorporate a signature into their texts. No one will ever remember them because they take so long to respond!
Thus, I leave you having expounded upon some of my theories on texting. And I have successfully used up an hour and a half or so of time at work. Woohoo! Happy Monday!
Hey, where'd everybody go? I think I saw a bear living in this blog now. There's definitely a homeless guy squatting a few posts back.