Things I Am Currently Digging (TIACD) this week are as follows:
-Herbal Essences "Set Me Up" gel
--I'm a frizzy haired brunette, but this stuff actually smooths out my unruly locks in spite of humidity! And it smells really, really good. I put it in my hair after my shower, then let it dry in a bun. Generally I have to tap the top part with a curling iron, but otherwise it gives a nice wave throughout.
-The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz
--This book is a Pulitzer Prize winner and is AMAZING. It is the story of an over-weight Dominican boy named Oscar who lives in Paterson, New Jersey (home of one of my favorite people in the universe). The story is told in a gritty, clever way, with allusions to Lord of the Rings, sci-fi, Spanish vernacular, and Dominican history. It actually made me laugh out loud at some points. Do yourself a favor and read this book.
-Watches with Big Faces
--Very in right now. Very cool. I found a really cute at Nordstrom in the BP section on sale for $12.00. Good statement piece.
-Starting every morning with 15-30 minute run
--Lately I have been waking up a little early just to run for a bit before my day begins. I live in the center of a small town near a university, so I just run around there. It's a nice way to get my blood flowing and clear my head before I start my day. The endorphins don't hurt either. If you don't like running, go for a walk. Just as healthy. Even if it's just 10 minutes, you'd be surprised how much a little quiet time can do for you.
[NOTE: My two favorite songs right now to accompany my workout are Fame by B.O.B and Ridin' Solo by Jason Derulo... I gotta have my pop].
-You wonderful readers
--Thank you to everyone who has been reading my posts and either commenting via the blog, Facebook, text messaging, etc. It is greatly appreciated. Keep reading! :)
yes to big watches! yes to B.O.B...i have also been using him for my 15 minute jog soundtrack haha!